prepare to be uplifted

The tone of our services changes to meet the various messages of the church season. While our liturgy is often traditional, the hymns we sing range from classic to contemporary. The somber beauty of Lent contrasts with the exuberance of Easter, making for a meaningful spiritual journey. Summer services, then, are bright and lively, while Christmas pulls out all the stops in terms of grandeur and majesty. There's definitely something to fit any taste and any preference, and the Word is always grounded in scripture and love of God, Christ, and humanity. We know you'll find Mt. Zion a comfortable, satisfying place to worship and grow in faith.

We absolutely love the pomp of banners and processionals, but we temper it with a welcoming call to families, seniors, singles, and children. Our glorious organ makes music a centerpiece of our services, but the people are what make Mt. Zion the refuge and the home it is. We take seriously our relationships with God and with each other, and we trust that this concern makes us attentive to the needs of visitors, the world, and our own.

a place of anticipation

It's an important job to begin and end a service with cross, flame, and Word. Our acolyte crew take on the responsibility with reverence and respect. Throughout worship, from gospel readings to baptisms and more, they make sure that the living symbols of God's presence among us are prominent, attended to, and cared for as they deserve to be.

acolyte_mt zion

While the seamless progression of a church service may appear effortless, a lot of work happens behind the scenes. Our energetic altar guild cleans and sets the paraments, prepares the bread and wine, positions the flowers, and takes care of countless details. It's a series of necessary tasks but one that functions best when it's essentially invisible.