Boasting an age range from 20s to 90s, this group of Mt. Zion members is a driving force in the life of the congregation. Not only do they enjoy immersion in the Word, but they also take delight in the company of their church family and capitalize on it as often as possible.

xyz club

Their name comes from the phrase 'Extra Youthful Zest,' and it's an apt description for the seniors and retirees who gather on a monthly basis. When they meet, the group welcomes a guest speaker to talk about financial and legal needs, local charitable organizations, and other relevant topics. It also hosts local singing groups, and the attendees always finish their time together with a potluck meal or a visit to a local restaurant.

The lively XYZ Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. 

sam club

Officially known as the Single and Married Club, the SAM folks make it a point to schedule frequent activities that allow them to chat, catch up, talk, and just have fun. Open to everyone, the group is unabashedly social and seeks to build and extend relationships among church members. Past events have included lake outings, cookouts, visits to theme parks and theater shows, and Christmas caroling to shut-ins and nursing home residents.

The SAM Club meets on a monthly basis.


The Women of the ELCA focuses on Bible study and service projects, including fundraising for worthy church causes. Comprised of three different groups, or circles, WELCA women plan regular get-togethers for education and friendship.

While WELCA collects money for churchwide activities, they also host bake sales, craft sales, and homemade chicken pie sales (you've gotta try these pies!) to raise funds for members in need and to offset the costs of church projects and expenditures. 

The WELCA circles meet as follows:

  • Sarah – Tuesday at 9:30am in the Women's Sunday School Room.
  • Joanna – Sunday at 5pm in the Administration Building.
  • Eve – Tuesday at 7pm in the Parlor.

Men in mission

Men in Mission is the male counterpart to WELCA. It brings together the men of the congregation for Bible Study and fellowship. One of the Men in Mission's most popular activities is hosting a monthly breakfast in which they prepare a morning feast of good foods – and reap a good amount of praise as well.

The Men in Mission's bountiful breakfast is served in the Fellowship Hall at 8am on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome!